W3 | Disrupted Leadership: Innovating in the Age of Acceleration

  • Room: Bellagio Ballroom 5
  • Session Number: W3
Friday, April 26, 2024: 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM


Dickens Aubourg


This hands-on workshop will serve as a tactical deep-dive into how to innovate your leadership approach in real time. Through collaboration and interactive activities, you’ll create an action plan that integrates disruptive technologies with empathetic, agile leadership.

Session Type

Learning Objectives

1) Perform a real-time analysis, laser-focused on integrating disruptive no-tech innovation into your leadership and talent management strategy.
2) Develop an action plan that leverages "advancements" to enable agile, empathic leadership.
3) Create a "Disruptor's Leadership Toolkit," a curated set of resources and frameworks for immediate implementation in your leadership journey.

  • Leadership