B21 | Preparing Managers for the Conversation on Mental Health

  • Room: Bellagio Ballroom 5
  • Session Number: B21
Thursday, April 25, 2024: 1:00 PM - 1:30 PM


Haeli Harris
Director of Clinical Operations
Amelia Wilcox
Founder and CEO


About 41% of adults are reporting diagnosable mental health conditions. Burnout is increasing to dangerous levels, spurring negative actions like quiet quitting. Employees are not likely to disclose their struggles, but when they do, are managers equipped to have the conversation? In this session, Amelia Wilcox and Haeli Harris will discuss critical tactics your company can and should deploy to train managers and front-line supervisors to prepare for talking about employee mental health. It's not a matter of if they'll have this conversation, it's a matter of when, and it's more effective if the answer isn't, "Go talk to HR."

Session Type

Learning Objectives

1) Learn what barriers keep employees from disclosing their issues.
2) Understand the impact mental health has on business, teamwork and productivity.
3) Key points that every company should pass to their managers and staff when discussing mental health at work.


  • Employee Mental Wellbeing